Wednesday, October 31, 2012

old man time

Hi everyone ,
 Haven't been around for awhile , just haven't felt "right" lately but I'm pulling myself out of a funk. With that said , I have been working on this digi for quite awhile and until last night just couldn't figure out how to color all of it. After finishing it, I was so pleased with it I have decided NOT to put it onto a card but to make it into something I can display,,, and that is for another post. :)
Let me know what you think.
This digi is a digi Image from SBS called clocks
I used Prismacolor Pencils

COAT :pumpkin orange, mineral orange, sienna brown
BAG:   tuscan red, HINGES: metallic golgd
HAIR: golden rod, sienna brown, burnt ochre
SKIN:  light peach, peach, burnt ochre
CLOCK: artichoke
WOOB TRIM: dark umber
SHIRT:90% cool grey


  1. wow, Lisa, this is stunning - gorgeous coloring girl! Can't wait to see what you make with him.

  2. Oh this is FANTASTIC what are you going to do with him! :-)

  3. Lisa you outdid yourself, this is awesome.

  4. Love how you colored this! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
