Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New paths

It is a sad time in my life, losing a job aside, I will soon lose the support , comraderie and the ongoing inspiration of a community that I have come to embrace these past 2 years. Simply Scrapbooks is closing the doors on their shop after 15 years. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors, and hope to keep in touch with those who have been so kind as to invite me into their lives. It is sad but also exciting because I have so many options open now and so many avenues to explore. With the grace of God I will find a new path. Thanks for all your continued interest in what I create. Lisa


  1. i am still heartbroken over this! i am just sick about it!!!

  2. It is so sad, isn't it? But you're a very positive, sweet and upbeat person Lisa and I'm sure you'll find another job you love in no time. We WILL stay in touch!

  3. So sad about the store, but you have a great attitude. Wishing you all the best on your new adventures!
